9 Key Takeaways from the Iqaluit Arctic Council Meeting

The Nunatsiaq News has a brief rundown of the important takeaways from the most recent Arctic Council meeting in Iqaluit, Canada where the U.S. assumed its chairmanship of the Council.

1. The sealing war with the European Union? It’s over.

2. Under the U.S., climate change is back on the Arctic Council’s agenda.

3. The Arctic Council still thrives in spite of the worst East-West crisis since the end of the Cold War.

4. The Arctic Council will go to work on telecommunications.

5. The Arctic Council is still moving on oil spill prevention and response.

6. A big question mark still hangs over the Arctic Economic Council.

7. If you’re a supporter of protected areas, the Arctic Council brought some good news.

8. If you’re an Arctic scientist, you have reason to smile as well.

9. The circumpolar indigenous partners are still underfunded.

Want more details? Read on.

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