Physical Environment
- Forbes, D.L., ed. 2011. State of the Arctic Coast 2010 – Scientific Review and Outlook. International Arctic Science Committee, Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, International Permafrost Association. Helmholtz-Zentrum, Geesthacht, Germany, 178 pp.
- Weingartner, T.J., P. Winsor, R.A. Potter, H. Statscewich, and E.L. Dobbins. 2013. Application of High Frequency Radar to Potential Hydrocarbon Development Areas in the Northeast Chukchi Sea. OCS Study BOEM 2012-079. Anchorage, AK: Prepared by University of Alaska Fairbanks for USDOI, BOEM, Alaska OCS Region. 180 pp.
- Potter, R.A., T.J. Weingartner, E.L. Dobbins, H. Statscewich and P. Windsor. 2014. Surface Circulation Patterns in the Northeastern Chukchi Sea. Poster Presentation. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, January 20-24, 2014, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Spall, M.A., R.S. Pickart, E.T. Brugler, G.W.K. Moore, L. Thomas, and K.R. Arrigo. 2014. Role of Shelfbreak Upwelling in the Formation of a Massive Under-Ice Bloom in the Chukchi Sea. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 105(0) 17-29.
Biological Environment
- Roth, E.H. and Ross, D. 2012. Underwater Ambient Noise on the Chukchi Sea Continental Slope from 2006-2009. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 131 (1). January 2012.(pp. 104-110). Doi 10.1121/1.3664096.
- Danielson, S.L., T.J. Weingartner, K.S. Hedstrom, K. Aagaard, R. Woodgate, E. Curchitser, and P.J. Stabeno. 2014. Coupled Wind-Forced Controls of the Bering–Chukchi Shelf Circulation and the Bering Strait Throughflow: Ekman Transport, Continental Shelf Waves, and Variations of the Pacific–Arctic Sea Surface Height Gradient. Progress in Oceanography. 125:40-61.
- Thomson J. and W. E. Rogers. 2014. Swell and Sea in the Emerging Arctic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. 41(9):3136-3140.
- Thode, A. M., Kim, K. H., Blackwell, S. B., Greene Jr, C. R., Nations, C. S., McDonald, T. L., & Macrander, A. M. (2012). Automated detection and localization of bowhead whale sounds in the presence of seismic airgun surveys. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(5), 3726-3747.
- Kelly, B. P., Badajos, O. H., Kunnasranta, M., Moran, J. R., Martinez-Bakker, M., Wartzok, D., & Boveng, P. (2010). Seasonal home ranges and fidelity to breeding sites among ringed seals. Polar Biology, 33(8), 1095-1109.
- Blackwell, S. B., Nations, C. S., McDonald, T. L., Greene, C. R., Thode, A. M., Guerra, M., & Michael Macrander, A. (2013). Effects of airgun sounds on bowhead whale calling rates in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. Marine Mammal Science, 29(4), E342-E365.
- Moore, S. E., Stafford, K. M., & Munger, L. M. (2010). Acoustic and visual surveys for bowhead whales in the western Beaufort and far northeastern Chukchi seas. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 57(1), 153-157.
- Aerts, L. A. M., Hetrick, W., Sitkiewicz, S., Schudel, C., Snyder, D., & Gumtow, R. (2013). Marine Mammal Distribution and Abundance in the Northeastern Chukchi Sea During Summer and Early Fall, 2008–2012.
- Quakenbush, L. T., Citta, J. J., George, J. C., Small, R. J., & Heide-Jørgensen, M. P. (2010). Fall and winter movements of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Chukchi Sea and within a potential petroleum development area. Arctic, 289-307.
- Norcross, B.L., B.A. Holladay, and C.W. Mecklenburg. 2013. Recent and Historical Distribution and Ecology of Demersal Fishes in the Chukchi Sea Planning Area. OCS Study BOEM 2012-073. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Coastal Marine Institute and USDOI, BOEM, Alaska OCS Region. 217 pp.
- Eisner, L., N. Hillgruber, E. Martinson, J. Maselko. 2012. Pelagic Fish and Zooplankton Species Assemblages in Relation to Water Mass Characteristics in the Northern Bering And Southeast Chukchi Seas. Polar Biology. Published online, September 15, 2012.
- Gall, A.E., Day, R.H., Weingartner, T.J., 2013. Structure and variability of the marine-bird community in the northeastern Chukchi Sea. Continental Shelf Research 67, 96–115.
- Renner, M., Parrish, J.K., Piatt, J.F., Kuletz, K.J., Edwards, A.E., Hunt Jr., G.L., 2013. Modeled distribution and abundance of a pelagic seabird reveal trends in relation to fisheries. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 484, 259–277.
- Aerts, L.A.M., W. Hetrick, S. Sitkiewicz, C. Schudel, D. Snyder, and R. Gumtow. 2013. Marine Mammal Distribution and Abundance In The Northeastern Chukchi Sea During Summer and Early Fall, 2008− 2012. Report prepared by LAMA Ecological for ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc., Shell Exploration and Production Company and Statoil USA E&P, Inc, Anchorage, AK Final Report, October 13, 2013:i-62.
- Harwood, L.A., T.G. Smith, and J.C. Auld. 2012. Fall Migration of Ringed Seals (phoca hispida) through the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 2001—02. Arctic :35-44.